Sorry this update is 2 weeks overdue. We just recently returned from our Youth Group's annual Bike Trip from the San Juan Islands where I cooked for 75 people for 8 days. Fun times.
2 days before we left for this trip we had another ultrasound. This time a pediatric cardiologist, Dr. King, was present to view the echocardiogram on Faith's heart. We also had a very experienced ultrasound tech who had been doing this job for 25 years. Prior to Dr. King's arrival the ultrasound tech took pictures of all of Faith's major organs (brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, etc.). As he was viewing all her organs he was a bit puzzled to see no major defects in any of the organs. "I see no defects that are common to babies with Down Syndrome," were his exact words. There were no signs of fluid in her lungs or under her skin. He also said that she is growing at a good rate for a baby with DS. PRAISE GOD!
The one thing the cardiologist saw was a very small hole in her heart. Normally these holes either heal themselves in the womb or a few months after birth. If it still were present beyond that, it would be very operable and wouldn't affect her for the rest of her life! In a couple of months (Oct. 15th) I am due back for another ultrasound to check up on the hole and see if it has healed. If so, I may be able to deliver at our McMinnville hospital (only 5 minutes from where we live)!
Before this news John and I prepared ourselves to hear of major defects, lots of surgeries and so on. It was more than we had hoped for. Thank you all once again for your prayers. We know that God is listening and is making a miracle of this. Someone to glorify Himself by.
Prayer Requests:
- The hole in Faith's heart would completely close and that they would see that in the next ultrasound (Oct. 15th). Then I'd be able to deliver close to home.
- Continued strength for John and I. John's ministry is the busiest and most fruitful in the summer and he has not had much time for rest. With that I have little breaks from my duties with the kids and taking care of our home. So, I get tired very easily.
- My sciatica flare ups and constant headaches. When I have sciatica it can be very difficult to walk. In my last trimester I end up using a cane. It would be nice to not have to use it this time. I've never had constant headaches during any of my pregnancies, so this is a first for me. They get to the point where it is hard for me to even be awake and the only way to relieve myself from them is to sleep, which can be very difficult to do with 3 little kids running around.
Blessings to you all, Gizelle and John